Mob:15589106999 15266655855 恒达国际礼品 Heng Da International Gift 朗旭玻璃 LANG XU BO LI 地址:临沂市北园路与青杨路交汇东北角新土杂城E区二楼E2--13号 Add: E2-13,2f,e District, xintuzacheng, northeast cormer,intersection of Beiyuan Road and Qingyang Road, Linyi City 电话/Tel: 0539- -71619008605822 Q Q: 279298819 961163869 微信/WeChat: 15266655855
2元\5元\9.9元店专供产品 2 yuan \5 yuan \9 .9yuan store products 广告礼品、赠品、促销品加工生产基地 Advertising gifts, gifts, promotional products processing production base 专业为企业、工厂、商场、经销商、礼品接单公司 量身定做低、中、高档礼品、赠品、促销礼品。We specialize in making low, medium and high grade gifts, gifts and promotionalgifts for businesses, factories, shopping malls, distributors and gift companies. 广告礼品的世界促销品的海洋 厂址:山东临沂市兰山区义堂镇义堂工业园Address: Yitang Industrial Park Yitang town Lanshan District of ShandongLinyiCity